Sunday, 27 May 2007

Sonic Boom Nickname

I chose the Voodoo name 'Sonic Boom', due to my love of running around the bases in a speedy manner (although those of you who saw me at Indoor this winter may argue it's sometimes more Forest Gump style!). I got the inspiration from reading about a US Air Force jet, RF 101 C, nicknamed the Voodoo. At a spare moment at the library last week, I looked into the plane's history a little deeper and it turns out that it flew in the UK, at the RAF Upper Heyford base (in Oxfordshire). The base had its own crack, fast-pitch softball team, called the Upper Heyford Skykings. The players even had the holy grail of UK softball, a proper dirt infield. Lucky them.
Match report from 70's


Unknown said...

I played on one of those teams in 1988 and 1989.

Unknown said...

I played on one of those teams in 1988 and 1989.